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Thursday, September 30, 2010
How Should A Karate Gi Fit
Originally posted by
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How Do You Get Into The Barn In Poptropica?
Dear Fidel, I came to your island
knowing that your people live below their means. That the revolution that made the last century is alive when your people die of disgust. Vine
your subjects knowing that they lack everything, everything by what you dream. And you control them with drivers that are controlled and that no one knows how the black market flourishes with all the scams that they do. Let your daughters and their mothers, and children and some parents, prostitute themselves on the boardwalk under a palm tree. The population of the island believe that the tourist comes in only for sex or corruption.
I was a countryman of my land how do the Cubans to take cucs or dollars to tourists, their neighbors, their government ... And what are you doing smoking those cigars that do not fit between the toes? "Blind? No, you're not blind, you are complicit in the misery that is in the street, in the countryside, in the ports.
You give them free education (which at least with all what you get) but what you teach does not match the times. Outdated and live in a remote location, away from reality.
Driving along the streets read placards blaming the Americans and Europeans of the world's ills. Lizard. Where is the money you recapture so avidly? I have not been reflected in infrastructure or public transport or housing.
My friend who is a Cuban friend and that sometimes come to Cuba is pleased with Havana. I can not say the same.
I was in Trinidad. Housed in a house tour. Almost all the houses look the badge authorizing them to receive guests. So that they can never get filled. While you and your government collects ... taxes. The boy, son of the owner, just 14 years, failed to explain the history of Trinidad but his eyes were opened when he began to tell the great feat of José Martí. How ridiculous I think the education they receive when the dream of this man happens to have a Nike shoe ... The hostess told me I was the first customer he had in the entire first half. How will they fill all the authorized bureaus if they grow sugar cane?
If you ever talked about more, is ie ranting of yourself and your ways of doing politics, the listener was quick to take your finger vertically to his mouth to tell me to keep quiet. Now that 'I do not go away. Do not be silent when I see the human misery that I found on your land. When the people of Trinidad have never been to Viñales or Santiago or Havana, Viñales and can not afford the ticket out of their antlers and know your country.
That chocolate-colored young man told me he could not go further because your henchmen or secret police or informants would ask what to do, where you go, who you are. And that boy's smile was wonderful as she told me frankly that he had a Danish girlfriend ...
night I went to Cuba and while I saw much darkness in the isolated island.
I told the cuban @ s they had to do another revolution ... they knew only shrug.
Dear and now with knowledge, hated Fidel came to power one day and never move again. Tirano populist friend of Hugo Chavez., Which Ely as other world leaders of his style and pattern, you believe you saviors of the world and only you doing to enrich your accounts and that of your alleged. And blame it
also afford the Cuban people, for being afraid. And now I come to believe in the communist revolution and socialism because among themselves are snatching opportunities to emerge was a new life and social context.
You fool the people with their TV viewing and newspaper Granma. You have misrepresented for over 50 years, information they have received. They believe the poor of the earth. For that, you go and see that they are not alone and that their misfortunes are not higher than other paises.Tú I do believe a distorted reality and they believe it. That's the free education you have to offer ...
I finished, I have no time to devote more words, perhaps because I think you deserve them. Cuba'm leaving disappointed ... And you can continue making speeches ... and, from my point of view, you are becoming more and more largemouth.,
do not expect any response to this letter. I do not need. Your town itself.
PS I said a good citizen if it is impossible to use communism in the family, which is a circle manageable, how to get in a community? Think about the answer .. .
Monday, September 6, 2010
Louana Coconut Oil For Hair Treatments
research investments.
first part.
In this paper, we study investment in the long run, the example of enterprises in the city of Novokuznetsk. The paper presents research data on enterprise groups Novokuznetsk.
1) enterprise Steel
2) industrial enterprises
3) health care
4) educational institutions
5) Transportation
6) Energy
7) budget sector
the beginning of 2000's most developed sector of enterprises was Novokuznetsk sector of ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Enterprises in this sector characterized by a long period of work - KVM -70 years ZSMK - 35 years, KZF - 40 years. These enterprises for over 50 years of public enterprises And, accordingly, decided governmental tasks, including tasks related to defense. The investment plan was adopted in connection with enterprises in other regions. The objective function of the activity depended not on the market economy, but from factors unrelated to the market of ferrous metals. Respectively funding was happening according to plan. Tk company of the group, performed tasks less and less local, the total production in these advisable to also take into account a higher level. Along with producing the necessary products to the State enterprise is also influenced on economic indicators such as the environment, namely the emission of solid, liquid and gaseous substances.
about the enterprise sector-industry simply can say that they appeared for more than a hundred years (the age of the oldest enterprises of Kuznetsk has 100 years). This food companies, and various enterprises of machine building, as well as enterprises producing construction materials.
Health care are sufficiently strong factor in the economic situation in the city. This is primarily improved health. Target function - economic state is not entirely true, since Not take into account several factors, but only a certain element.
more than the health and economic status affects education. By 1993, in Novokuznetsk was about hundreds of schools, dozens of secondary vocational education institutions and two universities. But to say that only two of the university affect the economic condition of Novokuznetsk - is profoundly mistaken. Along with two high schools also had a big impact Institutes of other cities, including Kemerovo - Kemerovo Medical Institute, University of Kemerovo, Tomsk State University. The system of higher education institutions of the USSR - was enough large structures, and relatively autonomous. With time, list of specialties in the universities changed - it was due, both economic and social reasons, as well as political.
Novokuznetsk is a major transportation hub for the region. In contrast to the neighboring towns of Kuzbass in the coal industry it is not dominant. Transportation is only part of the Economy of Novokuznetsk.
Energy represented in enterprises CHP, as well as rasporoyaditelnymi systems, with serious reservations can be attributed to the power gas stations because They perform similar functions - to supply transport energy.
large enough for the number of employees in Novokuznetsk - is the budget sector - employees of administrative agencies . Impact on the city's economy - tax revenue from businesses Novokuznetsk.
For further development of a facility is necessary to determine its objective function. By 2010, industrial enterprises Novokuznetsk has changed several times the objective function. For example Novokuznetsk Metallurgical Combine (CMC). From 1931 to 1991 it was the work according to plan, issue a certain number of steel products. From 1991 to 2000. Work on his own plan, issue a certain quantity of production. By 2000, this objective function in connection with the transition Evrazholdinga changed a bit. Work on the plan Evrazholdinga, issue a certain number of products, some social programs. The difference between the three plans - is the level of tasks - in the first case - a program for the Soviet Union in the second case - a program for their own businesses, in the third case is a program for a few plants (with some influence of the exchange)
Personally, I think the influence of exchange - rather uncomfortable factor, because It does not take into account the real state of affairs, but only stock quotes. But the presence of stock quotes can do some analysis (with a large influence of psychological factors).
For enterprises of other industries the objective function has remained virtually unchanged. And with a planned economy to a high objective function was quite free and able to take into account market factors
for health care institutions education and fiscal sectors, the objective function remains constant. For each agency has its own objective function. Establishment of controls (budget sector) treats (Health), teaches - educational institutions, science and culture.
For enterprises of transport and energy - the objective function, as was zavismoy of the objective function of other economic sectors, and has remained.
problem of investment, a new dependent element for enterprises of the budget sector. The question is, once the state does not intervene in the economy with the collapse of the high period of planned economy (the command-administrative system), then why is it takes place in the public sector Novokuznetsk. I will answer with a high-planned economy, monopoly on investment has been allied governments. Or target function for the Soviet Union was one. By the early 1990 turned out a parade of so-called sovereignty, which stimulated the creation at the local level to their own problems investment. That is, representatives of local authorities to understand that there is a problem, they put the problem. But by the early 2000's a significant amount of local authorities began to make their plans investrirovaniya and nekotroyh cases, they were part of the investment plans at the regional level, countries and at the international level.
difficult situation right now in the steel industry. Made staff cuts. We can say that an employee of the enterprise Steel is no longer involved in the execution of the objective function of this company, and begins to affect the economic condition in some another enterprise. Reducing the number of employees - it's quite inevitable thing, especially in enterprises with the right end of the period of work. General industrial enterprise, in my opinion, has a limited life. Large or small, they depend on the objective function. But, if the further progress of implementation of the objective function makes it cost-effective closure of some industries, it should not be performed immediately. Always close possible. To close any proceedings or part thereof to perform a range of activities, primarily social - retraining people environmental, and economic.
What is the situation now? To Novokuznetsk characterized primarily in industrial production. I'm not above mentioned sectors services and agriculture, as their objective function is quite similar to agriculture with other industries and services sector can be divided between several sectors (other industry, health and education.
Privatization - is the only consequence of the fact that by the early 1990's several changed the objective function for the economy of the USSR. So that while non-privatized enterprises, which was originally built to carry some functions were in fairly serious financial situation.
Ask questions.
Friday, September 3, 2010
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