anaeryn @ 2010-07-15T00: 16:00
Well, at least there is one glimmer of light in the dark!
Today I finally were told of how much taxes, and after being literally scratching and getting receipts or the case of the terrifying amount of $ 12.000 to be (I have not payment), I now less than $ 4.000! : D!!
That is quite nice considering the hysteria that caused me all this first Flat Tax and other tax inches up our beloved
gobiernito ... Another good thing is that as my mother thinks I'm selling large computer, and she offered to pay the taxes, and I owe it because let's face it, it's as if he should anyone.
still survives the trauma of cell phone and asus-ena not go out of my power, people who loved her and said no, I do not know tons.
As early as next Tuesday I have an interview at Bombardier back in Lomas de Chapultepec, sincerely I hope to do well, because then I would quarrel with the cell phone and debts, and the pay sounds great and the contract is no fee but a bastard half as full of responsibilities being asistonta CEO of Bombardier, tons ta canyon itself, because they require someone of high flying and I do not know more than flapping, but good, no worse than the fight is not done.
What pathetic wait to see Lalo, but I'm really scared to talk to the phone: /
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